martes, 9 de mayo de 2017


Julian Rios Cantu, a 18th Mexican teenager, has invented a bra to detect breast cancer.
sports bra with Eva logoThe Eva bra is only a prototype made by him and three friends but they raised enough money to start the tests, on one hand, thank to Higia Technologies, the company which develop their idea.
How would it work?
The biosensors in the bra would measure temperatures and log them and alert the user to any considerable changes. Women would need to wear the bra during 60-90 minutes a week to get precise measurements.

Will it work?
There would need to be medical trials before recommending it as a way to find cancer. In fact, the sensors measure the increase of the blood flow and it isn’t necessarily a marker of cancer.
Is very important a rigorous testing, to make sure innovations will benefit patients and not the opposite.

First signs of breast cancer:
- Lumps in the chest or armpit area
- A change in the size, shape or feel of a breast
- Fluid leaking from the nipple
- Pain in the chest

The signs of breast cancer, as shown on lemons

Julian invented this bra because her mother nearly died after her breast cancer was not detected early.

Tweet: Spanish text with picture of Julian holding a prototype bra

This prototype of bra would be effective because finding breast cancer early can make a real difference to the way of surviving the disease. The breast cancer is very common in women and this will probably get a descent of the harmed.

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