viernes, 9 de marzo de 2018

Why life has to be that way?

Resultado de imagen de the stressful life of studentsEvery day when I get up I feel useless and I could say it in capital letters: USELESS. All I do is wake up, clean my face, brush my hair and get dressed to go to school and all this in 30 minutes because I won’t wake up earlier and I don’t want to lose the bus either.

In school I feel useless too because all is so automatic: teacher talks and I take notes. This is all I do. And when I go home I study everything we do in class and I do my homework. I don’t know but this year seems to me the best year, maybe because it is the last and we feel more trust with teachers. I feel this year very stressful too, I have no time to have a life, meet friends, be with my boyfriend or with my family, when they want to do something different I came up and I say I can’t because I have to study. So much stress and pressure is ruining my life.

Whatever, the bad point of this year is the research project and the PAU’s exam. OMG. Well, I already passed the research project and I’m very happy for that but now come what worries me more: the disgusting exam of Selectivitat. Why it has to be that way? I don’t want eight exams in three days about all we are doing this year… I just want to finish, go on holidays in Croatia and, in September, start my degree in Biotechnology.

I’m not that kind of girl that studies very much and has good grades, I don’t study as much as people think. All I do is read and if I don’t get it at first I read it twice. And my grades could be better, but I’m also a lazy person and my motivation comes once a year. All this writing is because I feel useless and this is personal. I do want to have better marks, study more and be more organized but I just can’t,  I’m so distracted this year and I don’t allow it, the mark I need is more than a 10 and it requires effort and planning.

Resultado de imagen de life of students

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2018


Waist size bigger heartattack risk in women

The George Institute for Global Health is looking into if women with bigger waists relative to their hips have more risk of having heart attacks. The study shows that the relation waist-hip is a better predictor of heart attack than obesity.

This finding has been published in the Journal of the American Heart Association thanks to UK Biobank.

Dr. Sanne Peters, author of the investigation, said that the fat around the abdomen appears to be more hazardous than the fat stored around the hips.

The body composition and the fat distribution differed between the sexes. Women with those characteristics have more risk of suffering a heart attack than men.

Some of the heart attack symptoms are: chest pain, feeling dizzy, sweating, feeling sick, anxiety, etc. Every symptom is different in each person.

Ashleigh Doggett, cardiac nurse, said that this investigation could lead the way in treating patients individually.

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First of all, I have to say that is important to find a new measure to diagnose heart attacks because people could try to avoid it. When people know that they can possible have a heart attack then they worry and start to do things as sport to prevent the heart attack. There are lots of factors that can be controlled as smoking, blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity, lack of physical activity, diabetes, etc.

Resultado de imagen de ataques cardiacosIn the other hand, there are also factors that can’t be monitored. In the first place, the age,  and at last, the hereditary and other diseases.

Finally, I want to say that both if you have risk of having a heart attack or not you should always do sport and eat healthier, for your own good.

TED talks

Heather Knight’s a roboticist that manages Marilyn Monrobot. That is an association which creates robot performances with socially intelligent robots and sensor-based electronic art. In the speech, Heather Knight introduces Data, a robotic comedian that interacts with the audience. Her aim is to join technology with entertainment. Therefore, she’s trying to create more expressive and friendly robots to attract people. For that reason she looks for art in her new creations.

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In my view art is an important element in robots. Technical devices have to be attractive for the public, and for that reason I agree with Heather Knight. I think she is doing an important research because create robots isn’t easy and she find a way very innovative to combine robotic with entertainment. On the other hand I think robots can’t be emotional and feel feelings, what they can do is disrupt our feelings. In this way, robots can make us laugh but we will never make them laugh. At least now.