miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2017


Philippines launches probe into dengue vaccine scare

Asian Tiger MosquitoThe dengue fever affects more than 400 million people each year, the disease is transmitted by the mosquito-bone and it’s the responsible of serious illness and death among children in Asia and Latin America. Dengue is a viral infection that causes a illness similar to flu.

Dengvaxia is the first approved dengue vaccine and it’s created by the French drug company Sanofi. The drug company announced that there are no reported deaths related to dengue vaccination.

Last week Sanofi announced its vaccine could worsen the deadly disease in people not infected. The OMS recommended that Dengvaxia should only be administrated to subjects with dengue.

Resultado de imagen de dengue vaccine

When new diseases are appearing, pharmacists are looking into to solve them. Maybe, their solution is useless and they try to find a new one. They always taste the cure before sell it and they analyze all the symptoms could originate. When the cure is safe and the patient doesn’t get worse, the product has to be approved by the government and then, it could be sold in pharmacies. In a period of 5 years, the scientists analyze the impact of the cure in the population and if they see something wrong they abolish they product from the stores and try to resolve it. I want to be a pharmacist and make cures to solve diseases. The objective is save people, not make them get worst.  

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