sábado, 15 de octubre de 2016


The other day you asked us what stage of life we prefer and you requested to think about it a few minutes. Sincerely I didn’t know which one choose in that moment but now, after thinking about it more than a few minutes I realize that my favourite stage of life is adolescence because now, at my age of sixteen, I’m really enjoying this stage.

I think adolescence is the best stage of life because there aren’t big preoccupations like have a job to make money and pay our costs, at the age of sixteen we still under our parents responsibility, we don’t need to care about that until we arrive to the age of 18, when we start adulthood. We only have to care about study and have good marks.
Adulthood is another stage of life, but this one has a lot of responsibilities like be a good parent for your child or have a good job. I think this stage is great because you live by your own, you have your own house, maybe your family,… but sincerely, I’m scared to live be my own.

Adolescence is wonderful because in that stage mainly of us find our first love and our first real friends. I think childhood is an important stage too because is where we make our first friends but we knew nothing about life, we only care about play games and be annoying. When we are adolescents we start to see the world differently, we start to ask questions and experimenting unexpected things.
I don’t remember childhood ass I remember adolescence, maybe because when I was little I was just doing what I thought good, without question if I will regret it in a future. Now that I’m mature, I think I know what is wrong and what is not, and when I do something I think about the future, because I care.

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