domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2016
viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2016
My Favourite TV Series
In general I watch a lot of series, in English, obviously. My favourite ones are Teen Wolf, Breaking Bad (which talks about chemistry) and Game of Thrones (I don’t know how to start to explain what is about). I also watch Quantico (about FBI and CIA) and Orphan Black (is about clonings).
Teen Wolf is about werewolves and others supernatural creatures; I started watching the series the 2013 when I was in 2nd of ESO. Actually, I’m still in love with this series.
I saw in the trailer of this season things I was no expecting to see, like Stiles’ new girlfriend or the appearance of Derek. In general all the season 6 is about Stiles, my favourite character and also the most wonderful boy I had never seen. He is very amusing and he’s also very smart at everything.
jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016
Paper bike helmet wins Dyson award
Isis Shiffer
is the designer of the EcoHelmet: a recyclable, folding cycling helmet made of
paper that has won a James Dyson Award. This project is made for people who use
bikes and may not always have a helmet with them.
The idea of a
bike helmet appeared when she was exploring new cities. She hadn’t a helmet
with her and she didn’t want to spend money buying one.
She wants to
design a cheap helmet made of recyclable materials that would cost less than $5.

The helmet
has a limited number of uses and it will deteriorate over time.
The UK’s
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents don’t approve the product because
they don’t know enough about it, so they give the award to an Australian group
that designed an asthma management system, and to a smart contact lens designer
from Canada.
Read more:
I don’t think is a good idea spending money to develop the helmet instead of using that money for doing something useful, like diseases research. I still think this helmet is breakable and it’s made of paper, this can’t be rain resistant!
Well, I’m not agree about this project because is useless, it will be hard to sell and there is no information to prove the real qualities from the product. I’m not supporting this investment. Sorry, Isis!
domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016
Some Motivation
We need to
have this mentality. Just because we think we can’t do something, doesn’t mean
we should stop trying. Because we can do everything we propose. As we fail and fail
again, we learn more and more about ourselves. And we can use what we learn to
be better at something. Untill one day, we'll be able to do the things we called
“impossible”. So if you have given up on something you want more than
everything, no matter what is it, try and try again. Because it will be worth
it in the end and if you love what you’re doing, you’ll be successful and
Port Aventura
Last month my
friends and I went to Port Aventura in Salou. Port Aventura is the best theme
park ever and we enjoyed a lot. I had already gone to Port Aventura twice with
my family and my cousin, but I never went with friends till last month.
Anisa, Anna,
Yasmina, Iulia and I were waiting the day anxiously and when the day came up we
were very excited. We take the bus to Port Aventura and I do not know what
happened during the ride because I slept over.
We arrived
at 11 am so we had a whole day to get on a ride on the all attractions or, at least,
that we thought.
The theme
park was full and the queues were endless. So we got on in the Pirate Ship
because there was no queue. After that, we went to Shambala, the tallest roller- coaster in the world, and we wait more than two hours till came our turn. But the
lost of time was worth because the roller coaster was amazing.
Then we went
somewhere to eat, we bought a hamburger that was delicious and we decided to
get on Stampida, another roller-coaster. We wait and when our turn came up we
were excited. The ride was great. After a walk, we realized that we had to get
on in a water ride so we got on in the Tutuki Splash, where we remained wet.
We wanted to
get on in more attractions but we had not time. So we went to buy some
souvenirs: all of us bought a bracelet with the name “Shambala” on it and I also
bought a T-shirt for my sister and a cup with Woody Wood Pecker.
We had taken
a lot of pictures before we get in the bus. We arrived in Castelló d’Empúries at
11 pm where our parents were waiting for us.
The Port
Aventura Day was a great excursion for getting away from school and we enjoyed
a lot.
United States Election Special
Trump protester: I was beaten for holding a 'Republicans against Trump'
Austyn Crites is a republican who was holding a sign reading:
“Republicans against Trump” at the gathering in Reno , Nevada .
He protests about Trump’s treatment of Mexicans, Muslims and women; and he
described Donald Trump as a dictator and a fascist.
Crites was holding the sign when Trump supporters wrestled him to the ground; he was kicked, punched and choked when the crowd turned on him.
Everything was a chaos when one person in the crowd shouted that the
protester had a gun, what was tremendously false. All the people fled to the back of the auditorium while Trump was rushed from the stage by Secret Service agents.
Crites wanted to do all he could to prevent a Trump presidency so he canvassed with the Clinton campaign
in Nevada .
He wasn’t fully supportive of Clinton but
she was the only one who could stop Trump.
He said “Such leaders like Trump turn normal people into animals. The
people who attacked me were following Trump’s hate and the United
States doesn’t
deserve any of this violence”.
Honestly, I’m
totally agreed with Austyn Crites. I think this situation represents Trump’s
violence and all his supporters are behaving like animals.
Donald Trump
is a sexist and a racist and he do not deserve be the president of the United States . The
only thing I appreciate from him is the fact he knows how to influence the
people and he is clear thinking, he is determined.
About Hillary
Clinton I can say is better than Trump. If I could vote, I would truly vote for
her because she fights for woman’s duties and she is not rude like Trump. But not
everything is good on Clinton ;
what she wants causes a lot of money invested in wars: she wants to resolve
problems between countries by military confrontations.
sábado, 15 de octubre de 2016
Protest Song
London Calling
Now war is declared and battle come down
Come out of the cupboard, you boys and girls
Phony Beatlemania has bitten the dust
'Cept for the ring of that truncheon thing
The ice age is coming, the sun is zooming in
Meltdown expected, the wheat is growin' thin
Engines stop running, but I have no fear
Cause London
is drowning, and I, live by the river
Forget it, brother, you can go it alone
Quit holding out and draw another breath
But when we were talking I saw you nodding out
Except for that one with the yellowy eyes
The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in
Engines stop running, the wheat is growin' thin
A nuclear error, but I have no fear
Cause London
is drowning, and I, I live by the river
The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in
Engines stop running, the wheat is growin' thin
A nuclear error, but I have no fear
Cause London
is drowning, and I, I live by the river
Now get this
An' you know what they said? Well, some of it was true!
And after all this, won't you give me a smile? (London calling)
I never felt so much a' like a'like a'like
Joe Strummer
puts into words the fear of nuclear disasters, inundations, the beginning of an
ice age, solar explosions, wars…; a total apocalypse.
The lyrics
reflect desperation, maybe to influence the public, to protest about possible
ends of the world.
There is an English
proverb that says: “When the Thames overflows, all of London is flooded”. Probably The Clash knew
this saying because the lyrics talks about an inundated London .
My proposal
of a protest song is “Teenagers” of My Chemical Romance. This song talks about
how adults are worried about teenagers without reason. Talking about music, the
genre rock is one of my favourites and I really like this band. I choose this
song because I feel identified. I think parents may be very concerned about us,
the teenagers, and I do not feel good when I go out with friends knowing they
are worried about me.
bbc news
Snapchat launches sunglasses with camera
The objective of these glasses is see your
own experience again and again so you never forget.
Spiegel, the creator of Snapchat, had this idea when he went on vacations to California with the
photographer Karl Lagerfeld. They saw very beautiful views and when they got
the pictures they did, he could see his own memory. So he had this idea of
Spectacles to have an experience of the experience you had in past.
Footage will have a circular format to view in anydirection. The battery
will go on for a day. The glasses have a light on the front to indicate when
the glasses are recording.
Spectacles will remind Google Glass but Spectacles
doesn't make you look foolish because are like sunglasses (for help to hide the
camera better).
Snap Company will go slow with this
device, depending on whether people like it or not.
The objective of these glasses is see your
own experience again and again so you never forget.
Footage will have a circular format to view in anydirection. The battery
will go on for a day. The glasses have a light on the front to indicate when
the glasses are recording.
Spectacles will remind Google Glass but Spectacles
doesn't make you look foolish because are like sunglasses (for help to hide the
camera better).
Snap Company will go slow with this
device, depending on whether people like it or not.
Read more:
think technology is going very fast because we do not need that kind of
sophistication in our lives. We can live without those glasses, or without Play
Station. But I’m afraid that technology will always progress and in a future, unfortunately,
we’ll depend of it.
about Speclacles, I’m curious about how works and I think it’s an original idea
live an experience that you lived before, but we don’t need that. Socrates went
to a market once, and said: “Look those things I don’t need”. I think world is
the same, there are a lot of things we don’t need.

The other day you asked us what stage of life we
prefer and you requested to think about it a few minutes. Sincerely I didn’t
know which one choose in that moment but now, after thinking about it more than
a few minutes I realize that my favourite stage of life is adolescence because
now, at my age of sixteen, I’m really enjoying this stage.
I think adolescence is the best stage of life because
there aren’t big preoccupations like have a job to make money and pay our costs,
at the age of sixteen we still under our parents responsibility, we don’t need
to care about that until we arrive to the age of 18, when we start adulthood. We
only have to care about study and have good marks.
Adulthood is another stage of life, but this one has a
lot of responsibilities like be a good parent for your child or have a good
job. I think this stage is great because you live by your own, you have your
own house, maybe your family,… but sincerely, I’m scared to live be my own.
Adolescence is wonderful because in that stage mainly
of us find our first love and our first real friends. I think childhood is an
important stage too because is where we make our first friends but we knew
nothing about life, we only care about play games and be annoying. When we are
adolescents we start to see the world differently, we start to ask questions
and experimenting unexpected things.
I don’t remember childhood ass I remember adolescence,
maybe because when I was little I was just doing what I thought good, without
question if I will regret it in a future. Now that I’m mature, I think I know
what is wrong and what is not, and when I do something I think about the
future, because I care.
miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2016
Hi Eli, I’m Ioana!
I hope you enjoyed your holiday because now, routine starts again...
Honestly I didn’t miss school this summer because I was very busy working and enjoying those days. But inside me I felt some curiosity about Batx. It will be hard? Can I do it? It is really what I want to do? The answer is yes, it will be more than hard; yes, I can do it; and yes, it’s what I want for my future career.
When I finish Batx I want to go to Barcelona’s University and have a Pharmacy degree. It is why I choose the Scientific Batx, I want to work in a lab, making cures of illnesses and saving people of death. People ask me: Why do you want a Pharmacy degree to save people when you can do Medicine to save them directly? The answer is easy, I prefer Chemistry more than Anatomy.
I hope everything goes right this year because my future depends on it.
Ioana Salajan
jueves, 9 de junio de 2016
Bye Bye ESO
I have just remembered the first year in the INS Castelló d'Empúries, I was nervous and excited because I'll begin a new part of my life, maybe the most important because at high school you make friends that will always remember and you realize what you're worth.
Now, being serious, I have to say that I'm tired and exhausted of exams and homework but the good side about that are my new knowledge. I know what I want to do with my life and I will not surrender until get it.
Well, my expectations of high school have been fulfilled. I made great friends that I will not forget and, in four years, I realize what I deserve.
Four years that I will never forget. The things we did and we didn't, the platonic loves we had and the nicknames we invented.
Thank you: teachers, family, friends and other pupils for making these the most important years of my life. I promise you will never forget.
jueves, 2 de junio de 2016
My World III: News
What will happen if there is not the moon?
You can think that the moon has nothing to do with Earth, but you're wrong.
One of the things that will change are the night: the lunar phases will not exist meaning the nights will be darker.
In art, if there isn't moon, a lot of paints, poetry and plays will not exist and the literature will be different.
Will be changes in tides too and that is dangerous because the weather will change radically in all the Earth.
What is more, changes in axis of rotation of the Earth: if the moon doesn't exist, the rotation of the Earth will change between the 0 and 90 degrees. The weather will be above 100 degrees or will decrease below -80 degrees and the winds will be of up to 300 km/h.
And finally, will be changes in life: a lot of species, including humans, could even disappear.
My World II: Summer Expectations
I have to enjoy this summer because it will be the last one. The next years I will be very stressed with the research project and other things.
Well, I want a special summer, so my friends and I decided to make a list with things that we can do. I know that kind of lists don't work but let me try.
I want to read a lot of books, like Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King (I promise Yasmina that I will read it).
I want to watch series also, I'm obsessed. I want to watch Prision Break, Breaking Bad, Once Upon a Time and more. Now, I'm watching the fourth season of Orphan Black, it's great, I recomand it. Recently, since 2 years, I have watched films and series in English and subtitled because I prefer the original version.
I want to do picnics with my friends and camping, go to the beach, to the cinema, to the pool, in excursion,...

And the last thing I want to do, well, I have to do, is work.
My World I: An Amazing Movie
Memento was directed by Christopher Nolan and was published in the year 2000, was nominated to two Oscars and a Golden Globe. Guy Pearce play as Leonard.
Leonard can't build new memories, so he forgets everything that happens day to day. The last thing he remembers is the murder of his wife. He wants to take revenge on the murderer. He writes himself notes, takes photos and he gets tattos to remember things about the killer.
The film goes back in time to confuse us until we know about Sammy Jankis, a man who believed had the same condition as Leonard. What Leo didn't know is that he has a lot in common with him.
The film goes back in time to confuse us until we know about Sammy Jankis, a man who believed had the same condition as Leonard. What Leo didn't know is that he has a lot in common with him.
The movie is very complicated to understand because is very confusing but it's very interesting and curious.
Italy Best Picture
This travel was amazing, I repeat if I could. My friends and I took a lot of pictures in Italy but this one in special is better than the others because we are together and we look good.
I remember that day perfectly: after we had dinner in a restaurant in Rome, we went for a walk and we stopped at the Fontana Di Trevi, a spectacular fountain. The place was full of turists and the fountain was full of money. The view was awesome so we decided to take a photography together with the Fonatna Di Trevi at the background. There was people who take pictures to tourists for 5 euros but the pictures didn't have enough quality so we took the picture with Anna's phone. Then, we sat down to admire the beautiful fountain and we saw a man who asked marriage to his girlfriend. Wow, that was romantic!
jueves, 26 de mayo de 2016
My Life Experiences
I have already been to Romania.
I traveled to Romania every year since I live here because my grandma and my uncle stay there. The last time I went to visit they was this year, for more than three weeks. I enjoy spending time with them because I do not see them everyday, so I can not wait to being back.
I have already eaten sushi.
I tried sushi once and I will not try again because I didn't like it. I went with my best friend long ago to a bufet in La Jonquera and we returned with stomach pain caused by sushi.
I have already driven a motorbike.
The first time I drove a motorbike was in Romania and I was 13teen. I had a bad experience driving because I had an accident that caused me two scars: one in my hand and the other in my knee. Well, more marks of war.
I have not met Dylan O'Brien yet.
Dylan O'Brien is an actor that I really want to meet because is handsome and inteligent. He looks comic relief and cute.
I have not seen the aurora borealis yet.
In a future I will go to New Zealand or Australia to see the aurora borealis. It's one of the things I have to do before I die.
I have not ridden a horse yet.
Well, I was in a carriage horses but I've never ridden one. I was about to do it many times but never happened.
sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016
Romantic Film
In Chicago, Paige and Leo have just married and they are in love each other. In a snowing night, they have a car accident and Paige has a serious head injury and stays in coma. When she awakes, she has partial recollection of her life until five years ago and she doesn't recognize Leo. Her estranged parents, Rita and Bill Thornton, use the situation to bring Paige back home. Leo decides to woo her again to have his wife back, but her ex-boyfriend, Jeremy, is dating Paige and she doesen't know why she had broken with him.
- Channing Tatum as Leo Collins
- Rachel McAdams as Paige Collins
- Jessica Lange as Rita Thornton, Paige's mother
- Sam Neill as Bill Thornton, Paige's father
- Jessica McNamee as Gwen Thornton, Paige's sister
- Wendy Crewson as Dr. Fishman
- Tatiana Maslany as Lily
- Lucas Bryant as Kyle
- Scott Speedman as Jeremy
- Dillon Casey as Ryan
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