domingo, 8 de octubre de 2017


What I think about happiness

I don’t really know where to start… Happiness to me is everything: have the people I love close and enjoy the little things of live, as pizza, for example. These little things make us the happiest. It’s not a sensitive thing, quite the opposite, is the most subjective issue. Why it is an issue? Well, what makes one happy does not necessary make someone else happy. What I mean is that happiness is what we are dreaming about and it depends on each one.

Lots of poets, philosophers, writers had thought about happiness. For example, Aristotle said that happiness was an aspiration in live that everyone can got by knowledge. I think happiness is a state of mind, we cannot touch it, we just feel it. We may feel happiness when we win lottery, but it’s temporal happiness.

What’s more, I think happiness is about other people. Meaning it depends on our family or the closest persons we have. If our family or our friends are happy, we are happy. And if your boyfriend leaves you, you may feel heartbroken. On the other hand, if we succeed in live, we are happy. The sentiment of success may have a positive emotional impact on us, and that’s why we feel happy.

According to society, happiness is different depending on people’s age. Children don’t need a reason to be happy; in fact they release happiness around. Adolescents think they would get happiness if they follow trends, if they have brand clothes,… Adults are happy if they are making a family, having kids,… The elderly is happy if their kids are growing according to its expectations.

I have been always a happy girl, I laugh much and I feel very good accompanied by my beloved ones.

In my opinion, everyone should enjoy happiness. Be happy is the best feeling you can feel.

“The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.” – Socrates 

domingo, 1 de octubre de 2017

1-O Catalonia referendum

1-Oct, an historical memory

Catalans had requested a referendum for the independence from Spain. But the Spanish government had denied it. Despite everything, all Catalans have organized everything for today, 1st October of 2017, for vote. They used public locals as schools for the illegal voting and Spain, from the other side, had demand to the police to confiscate all the ballot box. Guardia Civil and the National Police followed the government’s demand and they used violence against the civil population to cancel the vote. In spite of everything, the Mossos d’Esquadra, Catalan’s police, gave support to the nation and they faced with the Spanish police.

The TUE, the UE’s treaty, invalidate the state that use military aggression against the population. And the Guardia Civil is a military body, by the way. Therefore, Spain can be judged by the TUE.

The people that vote today was united and with courage tried to stop the police aggression that were inhuman. The National Police tried to stop a referendum that the Spanish government declared as “illegal” with police’s responsibility, using nightsticks and rubber balls that are illegal in Catalonia. Meaning that Spain tried to stop the vote with illegal weapons.

Until today I didn’t consider myself an independentist but now Spain has disappoint me a lot. Today, Catalonia got the independence. Today, Spain lost Catalonia by its acts. 

Catalonia referendum

Tractors roll into Barcelona to support vote

29.09.2017, Catalonia

Last Friday, there were a pile of tractors with the lone-star flag of Catalan independence standing up for Sunday’s banned referendum. The Spanish government wants to stop the referendum because it says is unconstitutional.

Catalonia has demanded a referendum on independence since 2010. There is a law that says all the autonomous communities can declare its liberty.

Tractoradas had been the centre of attention today. It could also been saw in Girona and Tarragona. The objective is to impede police officers to close the polling stations.

The police have orders from the state to confiscate all referendum materials and to prevent public buildings being used as polling stations. Nevertheless, teachers and students are organizing to keep them open for the vote, using coded messages on social media.

Hundreds of teachers and students made a manifestation on the streets to make clear to the Spanish government that Catalonia will vote. Besides, it has been set up a website so people can see which schools are open for the vote.

The Spanish government is opposed to the vote and will deploy thousands of national police officers to stop the vote and to guarantee Spanish sovereignty.

What’s more, the European Union said the referendum was illegal but they will work towards a political solution to solve the problem.

Catalans have its rights and can choose the future of their nation. We should all vote on Sunday because the future of a nation is up to us. I don’t declare myself independent and I think Catalans are the ones that must choose for Catalonia. As I learned in History, Catalonia has demanded independence since lots of years ago and there has been also a Catalan Republic. This one will be the second Catalan Republic, if the voting goes well. If the nation has success and gets the independence I wish the best to Catalonia and I hope there will not be political problems between countries and I also hope there will be free movement across the continent.

North Korea and the US

North Korea: Trump and Kim call each other mad

Friday, 22-09-2017 (Asia)

In Trump’s statement for a UN speech, he threats North Korea and its president, Kim Jon Un, saying that US will totally destroy North Korea if US it’s forced to defend itself. The two countries began to insult by calling each other “mad”.

North Korea started buying weapons and testing missiles. The Foreign Minister from Korea has warned US about testing the hydrogen bomb in the Pacific Ocean due to the US president’s threat.

Kim’s target is mounting the nuclear bomb and firing it over Japan into the Pacific Ocean. As a result, it could be environmental damage and fallout. What’s more, if the missile fails over Japan or prematurely detonate, there would be a nuclear war.

The president of North Korea said “Now that Trump has denied the existence of and insulted me and my country in front of the eyes of the world and made the most ferocious declaration of a war in history, Trump will pay dearly for his speech.” He ended by saying he would tame the mentally deranged US dotard with fire.

In response, Trump said in a tweet that Kim is a madman that doesn’t mind starving or killing his people.

In my opinion, the detonation of an H-bomb can be catastrophic for the world, one of theses bombs could end cities like New York and paralyze huge companies as Apple, Facebook and Google. Besides, the world doesn’t need a nuclear war. There are other solutions for make peace; one of them is sign a peace treaty. The consequences of a war are terrible, and the president from the United States Donald Trump is asking for war. He is threaten North Korea as if he could defend itself but he is only provoking Kim. The United States should know they will lose the war, they don’t have the armament and the atomic devices that Korea has.